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The past few days. I'm thinking about work and drawing. Many things are happening at the same time, I'm confused. There are many things I have to decide in a short time, and I'm further confused. I have not come to any conclusion.


① About work

Because it is about work, I can hardly speak. However, to put it briefly, I will not have the free time to devote my hobbies etc. next year. Preparation has already begun, and I cannot afford to spare myself. From next year it is expected that there is no time.

② About drawing

I'm thinking of stopping the creation of books and goods. When unforeseen circumstances occurred, I think that I cannot cope in the situation of ①. I judge that it is dangerous to spread my hands of what I do.

If I had won the event, I plan to create it as a memorial, but I think about stopping mail order when I lose it. I can not decide because I don't know if I have won yet.

I do not know how busy is by ①, now. Even if it takes time to make requests, I am thinking about drawing sequentially, but I may refuse it. So sorry.

As mentioned above, thank you very much for reading through the text until the end of  sentence in many uncertain elements.

